Monday, March 31, 2014

Friday, March 28, 2014

RedBubble Artist: InkOne

I was looked a random t-shirts of the day and found this artist work. It is some pretty awesome stuff. Hit up their Redbubble page or his Google Plus  +inkOne Art. Soo much childhood nostalgia in his work. Power Rangers, TMNT, Star Wars and so much more.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

MIghty No. 9 Alpha Gameplay

Comcept has released alpha gameplay of Mighty no. 9 and also shows all the Mighty #'s. Gameplay looks awesome and I'm going to say Mighty No. 7 and 8 look to be the coolest. I so hope you get to play as them in the game. Video down it you know you want to.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

2 step delicious biscuit recipe

Biscuits ate delicious so finding a key to making them taste as great as maybe Bojangles is quite appealing. The link below tells 2 key ingredients to making them taste awesome.

Cookie cup shot glasses

Title says all. I can only imagine either putting milk, cool whip, frosting with sprinkles. The possibilites are endless. Hit the link below for how to do it and credit for the pic above to the chef.

J-stars VS

image from Kotaku

This is the ultimate game for anime fans. Its got so many characters I will not name them. Instead read the Kotaku post and then check out the trailer. This game is looks sooo awesome. Oh and its available via Play-Asia- Region FREE! Click Here. Kotaku article can be found here.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Frozen a Rip off of Japanese anime?

According to article signs point to highly likely. I myself have neither seen either of these but looking at the pictures its hard to tell. Find out more over at Kotaku--->

credit to Kotaku for the picture above.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Lichdom: Battlemage

Do you enjoy being a mage when you play games like Skyrim? Well if so then the game Lichdom: Battlemage may interest you. Their goal is to break the shackles off mages and unless their ultimate power. It's available for Early Access on Steam.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Stylized Bow Shooting

Posted to to show that Hunger Games Bow and Arrow shots are legit. Well forget that noise I haven't watched the movie but I thought the clip posted was pretty sweet.

1980s Nintendo Digital Distribution

So yea Nintendo was way ahead of the game back in the 80s. According to article from writer Richard Eisenbeis, back in three late 80s Nintendo released an attachment to the NES that allowed gamers to play and save games to a floppy disks. I know some of you are like Floppy disks?  What's a Floppy Disk? Well back in the day before CDs, DVDS, USB drives became popular people use to load software and other such things onto computers via 3.5" and 5.25" Floppy Disk Drives. Getting back to the story, since Japan didn't and still doesn't allow game rentals stores that had Nintendo Disk Writer Kiosk became popular. These kiosk allow you to copy a game onto the disk while erasing your original game off the disk. It was all for the cost of about $3.25 in 80s money. Awesome concept to me. I'm adding in a video that explains the process but do yourself a favor and mute the music. It gets old over 10sec. 

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Epic Meal Time with Arnold Schwarznegger

The guys over at Epic Meal Time are making s Steak and Egger Sandwich with Ostrich Eggs made on a TANK. Arnold's tank to be exact. As Haley mentioned Ostrich Eggs becuase Arnold is from Austria. This video is chalk full of awesomeness and Arnold quotes. So get to the chopper!! and watch this vid.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Amazon Xbox One Game Deals had several Xbox One games on sale. The beauty is they can be priced match at best buy if you must need them today. Another option to consider is this week best buy is having 100% trade in value on games. I've taken the liberty to include those values as well
-Fighter Within $23.99
   - trades in for $45 at Best buy
-Ryse: Son of Rome $48.88
  - trades in for $45
-Lego Marvel $47.79
  - trades in for $28

Titanfall Review: Various Sites

GameTrailers and Polygon have posted their review of Titanfall. Hit them below and once I get the game I will do my own short written review of my thoughts. 

Credit to for above Review

Credit to for above Review

Sunday, March 9, 2014

LEGO Keyboard

In the video below you will see a computer keyboard that has been mostly built out of LEGO bricks. Looks like a interesting project for those with random LEGO brick lying around. Hit the video below and make sure to check out the creator: JK Brickworks other videos here

Friday, March 7, 2014

BIG is Free on Google Play Store

For a limited time you can get the Tom Hanks movie BIG for free on the google play store. Go here to add to your Google Account and you can play it whenever you want or download it to your device. If you need a refresher on what BIG is about think giant floor piano or check out the trailer below.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

The Inspector Chronicles

Inpector Spacetime / Untitled Motion Picture About A Space Traveler Who Also Travels Through Time, fans will be pleased to know that there is a Indiegogo campaign to raise money for the new season. Which stars one of the original Doctors Sylvester McCoy, Mayim Bialik, Chase Masterson, and Robert Picardo. While I haven't gotten a chance to watch the series I have a friend whom speaks highly of it and I'm sure he will be glad to see this is happening. For those wanting more info hit the link below and maybe you'll fund the campaign.

Bad Day Blues Cured!

If you are having a bad day then this song from the Lego Movie is guaranteed to cheer you up. Remember Everything is awesome!!!. Video made possible via Warner Bros Pictures

Watch_Dogs Release date announced

Watch_dogs officially has a release date of May 27th. Preorder now if you haven't already. It is still hands down one of the most impressive games I saw last year and my friends and I are looking forward to it. Hit the link below fit various preorder deals.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Back to the Future Hoverboard? ***EDITED

Let's be honest ever since any of us have seen the hoverboards from Back to the Future II we've wanted them. Though for some reason technology hasn't advanced enough yet for us to be able to ride them....until now that is. Engadget has posted several videos from HUVr Tech. The company that may or may not be responsible for creating the board of our dreams. I've posted the 2 videos from Engadget but be sure to hope over to their site and check out the article. Link is Here



To further baffle you some more they have a legtitmate website and claim that Marc Cuban is a partner.


Official Batman: Arkham Knight Announce Trailer - "Father to Son"

Above what you see is the new Batman game being developed by Rocksteady Games. It is called Batman: Arkham Knight. WB Games brings us this Announcement trailer and man does it look awesome!!!! Oh and if your pre-order you get to play as Harley Quinn. 

Monday, March 3, 2014

Kids React to: Rotary Phones

TheFineBros over a youtube uploaded what by just reading the title has promise to be quite a hilarious video. Seeing how kids under the age of 12 react to a rotary phone. One kid even says is this the phone Alexander Graham Bell first made. #1 Kudos to the kid for knowing that but also BAHAHAHAHAHA for thinking that was the phone. Check out the video below and then head over to TheFineBros youtube channel for more

Titanfall Commercial...Hilarious

I gotta give it to +TitanfallGame  for this hilarious commercial for Titanfall. Not only gives you some gameplay but also shows people haven't seen anything about Titanfall (SHAME ON YOU) a taste of what to expect and a good reason for why they should be Pre-ordering. I can't wait till it drops. I even got my friends to Pre-Order it. Now without any ado "Prepare for Titanfall"

Free Pancakes... @ IHOP

©IHOP Restaurants

March 4th from 7am to 10pm is free pancake day at IHOP. Stop by and get your free stack.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Achievement Unlocked: Human Loop the Loop

Pepsi Max and Freerunner Damien Walters decided it was time for man to run the loop the loop. While it sounds awesome its even more awesome to see it done. I wouldn't recommend trying this one at home though. Hit the video down below to see the coolness.

Custom Xbox One Power On Commands

I had an idea after getting an Xbox One. What if other than saying "Xbox turn on" I've made up a list of possible phrases. A lot of them are from old Power Ranger episodes, 80s Cartoons, anime, and video games.

  • Henshin A Go Go baby (Viewtiful Joe)
  • It's Morphin Time (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers)
  • By the Power of Xbox! (He-man)
  • Time for Xbox! (Power Rangers Time Force)
  • Xbox Power Up!
  • What Time is it, It's Game Time